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Getting married in Italy:
How do Italians do it?

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Are you married or have you been married? Maybe you’re about to get married? Or maybe you’re one of those who just don’t believe in marriage? It doesn’t matter! Whatever your situation I’m sure you will be very interested in hearing about how we Italians go about celebrating one of the most lavish and important ceremonies of our lives: marriage.

Italy is a country rich in customs and traditions, especially when it comes to marriage. Times have changed and things have become more simple, but it’s always interesting to learn about the customs integral to getting married in Italy.

This podcast is in 100% Italian – spoken at a slower pace, in clear and authentic Italian. It has been designed specifically as a Listening and Comprehension exercise to help you improve your Italian. Download the bonus PDF for some super useful learning resources, including the full transcript and great comprehension exercises.

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Here are your TRUE/ FALSE Comprehension questions.

You will find the answers to these questions and even more questions in the Bonus PDF.

1. Le tradizioni riguardo il matrimonio si sono complicate col tempo
Traditions surrounding marriage have become more complicated over time

2. Un tempo gli sposi compravano insieme la biancheria di casa
There was a time when the newlyweds bought the house linen together

3. Il “corredo” sono le decorazioni floreali per la chiesa
The “corredo” are the floral decorations for the church

4. Oggi gli sposi compilano la lista di nozze
Today the bride and groom put together a bridal registry

5. Molti giovani dicono di non voler seguire le tradizioni
Many young people say that they don’t want to follow tradition

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