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Italian Cultural Events:
“La Biennale” of Venice

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Taking place in Venice, one of Italy’s most beautiful and important cities, is one the most famous contemporary art exhibitions in the world: “La Biennale”.

The Venice Biennale is amongst the oldest, most important and prestigious international art exhibitions in the world and has one sole purpose: to showcase the latest global trends in modern art. If you’ve never heard of the Biennale, you would have surely heard of the “Festival di Venezia”, then?

How are these two events related? Find out now by listening to this podcast!

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Here are your TRUE/ FALSE Comprehension questions.

You will find the answers to these questions and even more questions in the Bonus PDF.

1. Gli italiani non sono interessati all’arte di altri paesi
Italians are not interested in art from other countries

2. La Biennale d’arte si tiene ogni cinque anni
The Biennale of art is held every five years

3. Non è semplice comprendere le opere di arte contemporanea
It’s not easy understanding contemporary works of art

4. La Biennale è un ente che si occupa di molte forme d’arte diverse
The Biennale is an institution that deals with many different forms of art

5. Durante il festival cinematografico Venezia è molto affollata
During the film festival Venice gets very crowded

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