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Italian TV celebrities: Alberto Angela

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Who is Alberto Angela? He’s a famous Paleontologist and TV presenter who specializes in creating programs to bring scientific knowledge to the masses. In a time when it’s difficult to find quality TV programming, he hosts fascinating TV shows where he talks about Italian history and, in particular, Italian art.

Italy is an incredibly beautiful country, rich in history and blessed with infinite artistic and architectural treasures. However, many Italians still aren’t even aware of the full scale of the grand historic and artistic heritage of their own country.

Thanks to Alberto Angelo, Italians are starting to learn more about and appreciate Italy’s incredible heritage.

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Here are your TRUE/ FALSE Comprehension questions.

You will find the answers to these questions and even more questions in the Bonus PDF.

1. Alberto Angela è nato e ha studiato solo in Italia
Alberto Angela was born and studied only in Italy

2. Alberto Angela è famoso anche all’estero
Alberto Angela is famous abroad too

3. Gli italiani credono che i programmi di Alberto Angela siano noiosi
Italians think that Alberto Angela’s shows are boring

4. Alberto Angela parla in modo molto monotono e complicato
Alberto Angela speaks in a monotonous and complicated way

5. Il programma televisivo più famoso di Alberto Angela si chiama “Ulisse”
Alberto Angela’s most famous television program is called “Ulisse”

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