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Italy’s most amazing
magical & mysterious myths (Part 1)

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Who doesn’t love a good old folktale? Well, Italians are no exception… Perhaps even more so than the average person!

Italy is a beautiful but mysterious country, full of magical tales, myths and legends. In this episode of Italy Made Easy Podcast you will learn about these ancient stories originating from well-known Italian cities like Turin, Milan and Florence.

We will take you from the Duomo to the piazzas and from gardens to balconies! We will talk all about these fascinating Italian legends that you will never hear about in books about Italy.

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Here are your TRUE/ FALSE Comprehension questions.

You will find the answers to these questions and even more questions in the Bonus PDF.

1. I torinesi sanno dove si trovano le Grotte Alchemiche di Torino
The people of Turin know where the Grotte Alchemiche of Turin are located

2. Nostradamus è entrato ed uscito dalle Grotte Alchemiche
Nostradamus went in and came out of the Grotte Alchemiche

3. Si crede che nelle Grotte di Torino si trovi la Pietra Filosofale
It is believed that the Philosopher’s Stone can be found in the Grottos of Turin

4. Le Grotte Alchemiche si trovano sicuramente nei Giardini Reali
The Grotte Alchemiche are surely located within the Royal Gardens

5. Secondo la leggenda il Duomo di Milano è stato fatto dal Diavolo
According to legend, Milan’s Duomo was made by the Devil

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