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Italy’s most famous actresses abroad

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Who are the most famous Italian actresses abroad? Well, in this podcast episode you will find out! You may already know some of them or their movies.

We can sort the famous Italian actresses into two groups: those that became famous all over the world and who are considered timeless icons of the silver screen… And then the second group: the modern actresses that are particularly famous abroad today.

We will learn four famous Italian names that made cinematic history both in Italy and elsewhere.

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Here are your TRUE/ FALSE Comprehension questions.

You will find the answers to these questions and even more questions in the Bonus PDF.

1. Il mondo del grande cinema italiano è esclusivamente al maschile
The world of great Italian cinema is exclusively male

2. Sophia Loren è più famosa all’estero che in Italia
Sophia Loren is more famous abroad then she is in Italy

3. Con il tempo la classifica delle attrici italiane più famose è cambiata
Over time the standing of famous Italian actresses has changed

4. Le attrici famose nel passato sono ancora oggi celebri
The famous actresses of the past are still renowned today

5. Sophia Loren non ha mai lavorato a Hollywood
Sophia Loren never worked in Hollywood

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