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Italy’s most famous Fairy Tales

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Today I want to make you dream! Seriously, I’m not kidding! Do you feel like becoming a kid again just for a few minutes?

What I’m hoping to do is to talk to you about a topic that will help you sleep serenely tonight when you head off to bed… Just as you did when you were a child!

In this podcast episode we’re going to talk about fairy tales… Exactly, the ones our parents used to tell us as children to help us go to sleep… And maybe to also teach us a good lesson without us even being aware!

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Here are your TRUE/ FALSE Comprehension questions.

You will find the answers to these questions and even more questions in the Bonus PDF.


1. Molte favole sono famose grazie a Walt Disney
Many fairytales are famous thanks to Walt Disney

2. Le favole più famose hanno un’unica versione
The most famous fairytales only have one version

3. La favole italiane sono frutto della cultura popolare
Italian fairytales stem from popular culture

4. Bellindia è una favola conosciuta solo in Toscana
“Bellindia” is a fairytale only known in Tuscany

5. La protagonista di Bellindia è la figlia di un contadino
The main character of “Bellindia” is the daughter of a farmer

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