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Italy’s Weirdest Legends (Part 1)

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Let’s talk about fables, or better yet, legends… Italian legends, that is!

Italy is full of these weird tales. Each Italian region has their own fantastical stories, their own myths, and their own legends in which they talk about mythical creatures and magical characters… Many of these strange and unbelievable stories are the justification for a lot of common customs and superstitions even today, often with no real reason.

Some of these legends are really old… some are so ancient that it isn’t known where they come from! Some have been told since Medieval times and others maybe even earlier!

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Here are your TRUE/ FALSE Comprehension questions.

You will find the answers to these questions and even more questions in the Bonus PDF.


1. Le leggende assomigliano alle favole
Legends have similarities to fairytales

2. Le leggende raccontano solo storie completamente fantasiose
Legends only tell of stories that are completely made up

3. Le leggende spesso forniscono spiegazioni sui nomi dei luoghi
Legends often provide explanations on the names of places

4. Alcune leggende sono così antiche che l’origine ne è sconosciuta
Some legends are so ancient that their origin is not even known

5. La leggenda della “Torre della scimmia” ha un finale tragico
The legend of the “Torre della scimmia” has a tragic ending


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