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Most Popular Italian Books in Italy

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Italian literature is full of phenomenal authors. With important written works such as the “Divina Commedia” and “I Promessi Sposi”, you can imagine that there are many Italian authors, both historic and contemporary, that are worth reading.

But do we Italians actually like to read? The statistics say that we read a lot less than other Europeans. Why is that the case? Do older Italians read more than younger Italians?

Find all this out and more!

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Here are your TRUE/ FALSE Comprehension questions.

You will find the answers to these questions and even more questions in the Bonus PDF.


1. Gli italiani sono il popolo europeo che legge di più
Italians read the most out of all Europeans

2. In Italia leggono più gli anziani dei giovani
In Italy the eldery read more than the youth

3. Il genere letterario più amato dagli italiani è il fantasy
The most loved literary genre by Italians is fantasy

4. Manu da giovane amava leggere romanzi d’amore
Manu used to love reading romance novels when we was younger

5. Gli italiani amano i libri gialli
Italians love to read crime novels

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