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The Team at Italy Made Easy

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If you’ve been following us for a while, you may already be very familiar with some of the faces behind Italy Made Easy. Well, in this episode of Italy Made Easy Podcast I’m going to introduce all (or most) of the Team at Italy Made Easy who make the magic of our online world possible.

I’ll talk about each wonderful and unique team member individually who have, together with me, helped create the channel and the universe of Italy Made Easy with all our courses, all our videos, all our content that helps you, the learner of Italian, to really improve your Italian!

This podcast is in 100% Italian – spoken at a slower pace, in clear and authentic Italian. It has been designed specifically as a Listening and Comprehension exercise to help you improve your Italian. Download the bonus PDF for some super useful learning resources, including the full transcript and great comprehension exercises.

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Here are your TRUE/ FALSE Comprehension questions.

You will find the answers to these questions and even more questions in the Bonus PDF.


1. Il team di IME è composto solo da italiani
The team at IME is made up of only Italians

2. Alessia è una persona calma e riservata
Alessia is a calm and reserved person

3. Alessia ha il difetto di essere prolissa, cioè di parlare troppo
Alessia has the flaw of being long-winded, as in she talks too much

4. Cristiana lavora insieme a Manu nella creazione dei corsi di “From Zero to Italian
Cristiana works together with Manu in creating the courses of “From Zero to Italian”

5. Cristiana ha una personalità timida
Cristiana has a shy personality

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