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Which foods do Italians spend the most money on?

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In quali categorie di cibo gli italiani spendono più soldi? 

This podcast is in 100% Italian – spoken at a slower pace, in clear and authentic Italian. It has been designed specifically as a Listening and Comprehension exercise to help you improve your Italian. Download the bonus PDF for some super useful learning resources, including the full transcript and great comprehension exercises.

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Here are your TRUE/ FALSE Comprehension questions.

You will find the answers to these questions and even more questions in the Bonus PDF.

1. L’acqua del rubinetto italiana è potabile
Italian tap water is potable

2. Manu ha inventato le statistiche che ha usato in questo podcast
Manu made up the statistics he used in this podcast

3. Pochi italiani amano bere il té
Not many Italians love drinking tea

4. Gli italiani preferiscono bere la tisana invece del caffè
Italians prefer to drink herbal tea instead of coffee

5. Secondo Manu la cioccolata calda italiana è fantastica
Manu thinks Italian hot chocolate is amazing

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