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The Italian Population: Demographics in Italy

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Chi vive in Italia e dove?

This podcast is in 100% Italian – spoken at a slower pace, in clear and authentic Italian. It has been designed specifically as a Listening and Comprehension exercise to help you improve your Italian. Download the bonus PDF for some super useful learning resources, including the full transcript and great comprehension exercises.

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Here are your TRUE/ FALSE Comprehension questions.

You will find the answers to these questions and even more questions in the Bonus PDF.

1. In Italia ci sono circa 60 milioni di abitanti
Italy has approximately 60 million inhabitants.

2. La regione più popolata è il Molise
La regione più popolata è il Molise

3. La Toscana si trova nel sud Italia
Tuscany is located in southern Italy

4. Il 9% della popolazione italiana è composta da stranieri
9% of the Italian population is made up of foreigners.

5. Negli ultimi anni gli italiani stanno emigrando all’estero
In recent years Italians have been emigrating abroad.

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